Club Championship Galas
We run four main galas, which replace normal training on Friday night. A fifth ‘surprise’ gala is swum at Christmas.
There are events available for all swimmers, from the first width group upwards.
All races are ‘heat declared’. (This means that, instead of swimming heats and a final, the times of all swimmers across all heats are compared to find the winners.)
Age groups are determined by a swimmer’s age on the 31st of December that year.
There are five main sets of events as explained below.
(To do: Is there still a ‘mini’ gala in the summer?)
Swimmers (or their parents) are responsible for submitting their own entries.
Entry forms will be available in the foyer on a Friday night for approximately four Fridays before the entry closing date.
Completed forms must be handed in on a Friday in the Foyer. Entries close at 9pm on the closing date and no late entries will be accepted under any circumstances. (No need to leave entry until the last minute – completed entries will be accepted as soon as the forms are available!)
Championship Trophy Events
These events are swum as a single event with two age categories: Senior (open to swimmers of all ages) and Junior (for swimmers aged 16 and under).
A trophy is awarded to the winner of each category and medals are presented to the top three finishers in each category. Often the winner of the Junior category is also on the podium in the Senior category.
These events are open to all swimmers
Championship Sprint Events
Each main gala has a one length sprint race open to all swimmers.
Medals are presented to the first three swimmers in each of three age groups: 15 and over, 12 to 14 years old and 11 and under.
Any swimmers aged over 21 are awarded points towards the Brian Finnerty Aggregate Trophy (Men) or George Edowes Aggregate Trophy (Women), which are presented after the fourth gala to the swimmer that has been awarded the most points across the four galas.
Aggregate Trophy Events
There are three age groups for the aggregate trophy events: age 12, age 11, and age 10 and younger.
The youngest age group swim one length races, the older swimmers swim two length races with the exception of the 11 year old butterfly which is only one length.
Medals are awarded to the first three swimmers in each age group.
The first swimmer in each age group is awarded 6 points, the second 5 points through to the sixth swimmer being awarded 1 point. The points from the four galas are aggregated and the swimmer, in each age group, with the most points is awarded the aggregate trophy.
‘Starred’ Events
These are aimed at ‘novice’ swimmers and are open to swimmers in the width groups or in the first three lane groups at 7.30pm.
Events are one length events for 11 year olds and for 10 year old and younger swimmers.
Medals are awarded to the fastest three swimmers in each age group, and, in the youngest age group, place ribbons given to the next three.
The Ron Faulkner Trophy is awarded to the Girl with the best overall results throughout the year and the Ron Faulkner Cup to the best Boy.
Width Group Events
These are 1 length races, specifically for swimmers in each of the width groups (irrespective of age).
Medals are presented to the fastest three swimmers and place ribbons given to the next three.