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Select a Swimmer

Swimmers are listed in age order.

(Last updated: Saturday, 18-Jan-2025)

Race Times:

Personal Bests and ASA Speed Awards

ASA Speed Awards give swimmers something to aim for in every race - even when they don't win.

Awards are classed as Bronze, Silver and Gold (with an additional Platinum level available for 100m / 110yd races.)

Times must be recorded at an official gala or time trial event

Times must be for an individual race or the first leg of a relay. This is because swimmers get a slower start when they start on the hooter than when they start at a relay takeover.

Badges can be purchased from the HSC table on Fridays.

In line with Essex age group qualifying standards, the second decimal place on a recorded time is ignored.

No times recorded.

All Recorded Times

Personal Best in bold (individual or first leg of relay only).

Other relay times adjusted by 0.5 seconds to give approximate award (in italics).